Wait, it is F A L L ??!!
And, just like that, friends, what was the blur of March, April, May, June, July, August, and September is now October, and October is almost over.
It has been a minute since we checked in— We hope you all are doing okay.
Even though life still feels upside-down for us we are having zero problems keeping busy. It definitely has to do with a 1947 cabin to restore, an 8 year old to shoot soccer with, and having the chance to explore Colorado in seasons when we usually are in Italy.
Andy has been invited to join former team mate, Alex Stieda, and Flobikes, a cycling-streaming service, to chat over two Giro stages. One has already passed and the second happens this Saturday: Oct 25, 7am MDT. Flobikes is a yearly membership but we’ve really been enjoying the quality and range of the races covered. I mean, ideally, a bar in Italy is where we usually watch the Giro… but with weak coverage in the US, this has been a fun treat.
Speaking of treats— We are happy to share that our dear friend, Chicca, has opened up her a la carte cooking classes in which you can choose the recipe you’d like to learn.
We find this an amazing way to transport ourselves back into one of our favorite kitchens in Tuscany. Whether or not you’ve cooked with Chicca, on one of our tours or on your own, these online classes are a great way to experience the beauty of Italian home cooking. We highly recommend this experience!
You can join us on December 5th for her homemade fettuccine class. Fresh pasta making is so much fun and tastes so incredible! For more information and to sign up, please visit Chicca’s webiste: https://cookingintuscany.cc/club
On the note of deliciousness we are still well stocked with olive oil. Our organic, extra virgin olive oil is pure magic and makes great gifts for the holidays. We are selling 5-liter tins only at this time.
If you are having commitment issues to 5 whole liters of olive oil bliss think about dividing it up into glass bottles for yourself and friends. An emptied (and cleaned) out wine bottle is a great vessel. (not that any of us have a bunch of empty wine bottles lying around… ;) ) https://www.cinghiale.com/shop/
We’d be remiss to not mention anything about the most important US day of 2020: November 3rd, 2020…..
Please, please, please V O T E! Vote early, vote your whole ballot, vote!
Wishing you all a safe and cozy fall,
Elaine and Andy